Where Do I Go?

Severino Center

Contact Us at severinocenter@rpi.edu

Campus Maker Spaces

  1. The Forge: Student Makerspace
  2. MILL: Manufacturing Innovation Learning Laboratory
  3. JEC Student Machine Shop
  4. Haas Technical Center / IED / Design Lab
  5. School of Architecture Woodshop
  6. Mercer XLab
  7. Digital Fabrication Lab
  8. ProFab Studio
  9. MILL Expansion Demo Room
  10. Hearst Digital Manufacturing Lab (HDML)
  11. Center for Excellence in Digital Game Development
  12. Studio West
  13. Student Sandbox
  14. J-Building Incubator Space
  15. Rensselaer Augmented and Virtual Environment

RPI Tech Park

The Rensselaer Technology Park attracts world-renowned companies collaborating to make a positive impact on society.  If you are a technology-related business engaged in light manufacturing, software development, cutting-edge research, consulting services or any other enterprise in support of technology, consider joining our community.

The mission of the Rensselaer Technology Park campus is to attract a diversity of technologies, especially those technologies reflective of the varied technological strengths of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, to develop collaborations that will make a positive impact on society.

A fundamental objective of the Rensselaer Technology Park campus is to develop interactions between tenant companies and the university, especially partnerships with signature thrust research initiatives. Such interactions enrich the educational environment of the university and help the companies stay on the leading edge of their technologies. 

Learn more about the Rensselaer Tech Park here.

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